It was at 11pm on 4th August 1914 that British Forces engaged in open combat and World War One or the Great War as it is commonly know commenced. Thousands upon thousands of young men would leave their homeland to fight for our freedoms, liberties and British way of life.
Untold thousands would never return home again. Our nation was to be robbed of a young generation who paid the Supreme Sacrifice and would give their lives on the battlefields of France.
On Monday 4th August 2014, the Cullybackey Branch of the Royal British Legion, along with a number of supporters gathered around the War Memorial in the Village of Cullybackey, their purpose was to pay tribute too and remember those who had fallen but would never be forgotten. This was part of a National Act of Reflection and Remembrance as people gathered throughout the nation around Cenotaphs and War Memorials to pay tribute to those who in a bye gone age defended our honour.
The Chairman of the Royal British Legion Major ( retd ) Bill Canning welcomed all assembled to the short service. Two minutes silence was then observed after which a lone Piper played a lament.
It was my great privilege and honour to bring just a few thoughts from Gods precious Word. We considered the bible text written upon the head stone of Noel Chavasse who was a recipient of not one but two Victoria Crosses, and was the most decorated soldier in World War One.
The Text was " Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends " John 15 v 3
No Greater Love than the Love of Christ
- A Love that brought him from the realms of Glory and took him to Calvary's Cross
No Greater Man than the Person of Christ
- He was God incarnate, God manifest in the flesh, in him dwelt all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.
No Greater Life than the Life of Christ
- He was the Sinless Spotless Son of God, who gave his life a ransom for the many, and bore our sins in his own body on the tree.
No Greater Friend than the Lord Jesus Christ
- The Bible says that he is a friend that sticketh closer than any brother.
Whilst there was a service taking place in Ballymena at the same time, it was encouraging to see three of our Local Elected Members present on this occasion.
The Royal British Legion would like to express their sincere thanks to all those who attended the National Act of Reflection and Remembrance in the Village