Sunday, 17 August 2014


Unfortunately I was unsuccessful in winning the seat for the DUP in Mays Local Elections. It was a heavily contested campaign. Thankfully the Unionist Family will still control the new Super Council for the next 5 year term which is of paramount importance. It was a real privilege to meet so many of the electorate on their very own doorsteps and to get some positive feedback for the Party.

Congratulations to my all colleagues who where successful especially Cllr Billy Henry and Cllr Tommy Nichol who where returned to represent Bannside for a further term in office. May I take this opportunity to thank the electorate who took the time to go out and register a vote, its essencial that everybody fulfils their civic duty and makes their vote count.

Finally a very big thank you to those who helped me throughout the campaign and a special word of thanks to my wife and family who where so understanding displaying real patience with me once again.

Ill be back, to do it all over again !!!!!   I haven't gone away you know !!!!!!

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